

The school is designed to train a new generation of children who will be spiritually, physically, and intellectually balanced personalities. We will promote integrated learning from Playschool by using all appropriately available media. While the primary language of instruction will be in English, children will be trained to be proficient in all three languages, Malayalam, English, and Hindi from lower grades. The notion of the first language, second language, and third language will be eventually eliminated.

For working and commuting parents, we will open the school at 8:00 am to drop off children and remain open till 5:30 pm to pick them up from Monday through Friday. We will provide breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.


Successfully achieve the Mission and Vision. We aim to help the students reach their maximum potential by directing and coaching them according to their aptitude and taste, with the help of brilliant minds and an integrated learning experience. We thrive on creating an atmosphere where learning is an enjoyable experience.

Even though we emphasize the Christian principles of living, students will be taught the basic principles of all major religions to be exposed to different cultures and customs to promote tolerance and respect for each other. Morals will be integrated with the subject of learning. Students will be trained in proper hygiene, sanitation, appropriate nutrition for their physical and mental development, and responsible behaviour towards the eco-system. Play sets for lower classes are under a roof to protect the children from the sun’s harmful UV rays. However, studies on the population of Kerala have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is very prevalent even though there is abundant sunlight; therefore, children will be exposed to harmless sunlight so that ample natural vitamin D will be generated within their bodies to prevent them from future deficiencies.

We believe in quality rather than quantity; therefore, when a class’s strength reaches twenty-five, we will split the class into two divisions to give individual attention to students.


The school’s infrastructure is funded by Mavelikara Seventh-day Adventist School Committee/ Trinity Adventist Academy Trust, which manages the school. Our fee structure is unique, with a monthly fee inclusive of food. The fee will comply with achieving the school's mission, vision, and objectives.


Upon completion of the admission process, to secure admission, the first month's fee and a deposit equivalent to one month's fee shall be remitted to the school. All monthly fees are due before the 5th of the month and can be remitted online. In case the admission is secured during the month, we pro-rate the fees for that month so that the remittance will start from the first of the month from next month onwards. Upon withdrawal of students from the school, parents can request a refund on the deposit paid at the time of admission if it is outstanding. Keeping the deposit with the school when the student is absent for a considerable period is not guaranteed for re-admission.

We strive to hold the fees down. However, the external economic indices force us to adjust the monthly fees to cope with the overall operation.


Except for playschool, the school’s academic year will be from June through March, with summer months activity for enhancement of extracurricular activities. The fees for this program will be the same as the tuition fee. There must be a minimum number of participants to facilitate the Summer Camps.

Playschool will be open all year for parents’ convenience, provided parents give sufficient reasons and permissions in writing to enable the school to keep the child in the school. Understand that we do not want to take government regulations or guidelines lightly. However, the parents and the school have a relationship that cannot be easily dropped.

We are always concerned about children's overall progress, therefore, continuous attendance is a must. Continued absence without sufficient reason will result in the loss of the secured seat, and then the deposit will be refunded, and the slot will be offered to people on the waiting list.

The school will be closed on all public holidays. The traditional holidays will also be observed without causing much inconvenience to the parents. For the safety and security of students, staff, and parents, the school will be closed on days of hartals, strikes, and other public disturbances.


We use various methods of instructions. Most of them are through inter-active and innovative activities based on class and students. We consider each child’s learning curve and adjust the method accordingly. For the same reason, all students in the class may not perform at the same level. Do not compare your child with others. Children have different levels of development, which does not mean your child is behind others.

The school encourages students to do homework by themselves. Our experience is that parents do most of the assignments, and students are not learning from those exercises; they eventually become dependent on others to finish their work. Parents reading to children materials other than class textbooks proved to increase their vocabulary and understanding. This behaviour from parents also has been shown to improve math skills in students. TV time with commercials will promote Attention Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) among children because their attention span is from commercials to commercials. But the continuous program for 30-40 minutes without commercial breaks helps them to concentrate. So, we recommend age-appropriate videos for children, but up to one hour per day.

All tests are unannounced till Class II. The school, in general, emphasizes concept learning rather than learning toward passing the test. The questions for tests will be based on concept learning. Therefore, direct questions from the textbooks as it is will be minimum.

We do not believe in corporal punishment, and we do not promote continuous misbehaviour either. When a student becomes out of control, we separate him/her from the group and keep him or her aside until the child understands the severity of the behaviour. Occasionally, based on our experience, any method we employ will not be sufficient for a child to adjust to the new situation. Once the child becomes violent to the point of continuously harming himself/herself and others, we will ask you to withdraw the child from school.

Extra tuition is a waste of time and money for the lower classes. It is only robbing the children’s childhood, which negatively affects them in the future. As you know, the field of education took a quantum technological leap. A laptop, high-speed connection, MS Office, and Adobe is needed from the lower class onwards. A non-expensive colour printer is also highly desirable.


All higher-class (class one and above) students must be on the campus by 8:45 am to finish breakfast by 9.15 and to start the first period/ participate in the School Assembly, respectively, for the smooth operation of the school.
We advise keeping the children on campus up until at least 4:00 pm. After snack time, we segregate students who need enhancements to separate groups and work with them. Use this opportunity to benefit your child. We will hand over children only to those who are authorized to pick them up. Any changes to the pick-up person should be notified to the school in writing. No exception will be considered to these guidelines.


The campus and the classrooms are secured by CCTV cameras which enable you to watch your child through a smartphone above 3G. As you know, power and internet are needed for the cameras to work. We issue User-ID and password, which changes occasionally. Do not share your IDs with anybody for security reasons, and please delete the app when you are no longer connected with the school.

To be eco-friendly, we are planning to use social media for communications. WhatsApp, Messenger, and E-mails are tools we use. Please provide a valid E-mail address to the school office and update us with changes. Fee receipts will also be sent via E-mail/ learning Apps (Next 360º). Please save a digital copy for your records. We do not use school diaries as a general rule. Our teachers and staff would like to know you and your child through face-to-face interactions personally. The parents will be provided with an App at the time of admission. All information regarding the students will be uploaded so that you will be familiar with all activities. This App is highly secure and private.


We have periodic free health check-ups for children at the school as a service from one of the parents, who is a Paediatrician. Take this opportunity to consult the doctor. The schedule will be based on a first-come, first-served basis. The school will inform you of this service's date and time.

We have strict standards for hygiene and sanitation. We hope you will follow that at home, too, to eliminate sick days. In case of any contagious illness, keep the child at home until the child is well and the incubation period is over. If the child has a non-communicable disease and requires medication, please give medication with complete written instructions to the teacher to whom your child is handed over in the morning. Ensure the relevant medicine has the child's name and dosage on it. A copy of the prescription from the doctor will be needed to administer medication.


For safety and security reasons, toys from home and expensive ornaments, including wrist watches, are strictly prohibited. The school will not be responsible for any loss of these items. Beaded chains are also banned from school because they can be easily broken, beads could be all over the floor, and other children could ingest them, creating a health hazard.


Starting from LKG, the students must have uniforms and photo IDs for safety and security reasons. Playschool children are exempted from uniforms. However, all boys and girls, including play schoolers, should wear comfortable clothes on casual wear days.

Materials for uniforms can be collected from the shop. The school will notify you at the time of admission. Avoid heavy makeup for students because these are proven to contain chemicals causing health hazards in the future.


We encourage maximum participation of students in all the programs conducted by the school, such as Onam, Children’s Day, Sports, Exhibition, Christmas, and Annual Day Program. We also plan Excursions/ Study Tours and Picnics for students to give them opportunities to explore and experience their learning outside the campus.